Thursday 16 October 2014

Lesson 25- Looking at company logos and their characteristics to inspire our own.

The twitter logo’s intention is to make you see how simple yet recognisable twitter is by using their recognisable font with the signature light blue colour on an overall very simplistic design to make their brand easily recognised. This is good for me as I want to make a logo that is simple effective and recognisable. 

The intention of the Instagram logo is to instantly make you see that the product is all about taking pictures because it is designed as a camera. It is good for me because it instantly conveys what it is about to the audience by just taking a look at it. 

The paramount logo portrays very good ideas about the kind of things I would like my logo to portray. The logo instantly tells us what paramount are all about and where they want to go. The giant mountain tells us that paramount want to make only the biggest and best films and it shows that they want to become a giant of a film company and over-shadow any other companies that they have competition with. Although this isn’t necessarily the goals of my company, I do want to use the idea of using a logo to tell everyone what your company is all about and what your goals are. 
I think that the rocky mountain film company logo has good attributes that I would like to incorporate into my ideas when designing my logo. It is a very simple design that is also very clever my making an image of mountains from film reel. Also the fact that they did it out of film reel shows that although they want to be big like mountains their primary focus is to make good films for you to enjoy which reinforces the idea that I want my logo to be able to easily portray the ideas and goals of the company instantly to anyone who looks at it.

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